What exactly is Core Training I believe?

Some clients of mine asked me why people need core training.

Before asking the question, let me explain basic fundamentals.

Trees have a number of branches and huge and strong root underground. As for the human body, feet are the only part of the body attached to ground. Yes, we need strong feet stability to fight against wobbling. For feet stability, I will explain in another blog.

We have limbs. people say “this is upper body day today” to give day-off to other parts of the body in their weight training program.People like to break our body into segments. What happen If trees have unstable root and trunk, and heavy branches? It breaks joints.
I believe that human movement flow create smooth beautiful motion. For example, We use our body like chain reaction during throwing motion. Force created by ground start from stable feet transmitting to hip, spine which are rotating, shoulder , elbow , wrist, and finally fingers. “Core” is the part of body smooth transferring energy into the segments. We need trunk ability to resist against forward, and side bending, and rotation.

So Core training is anti-resistance training.